Sunday School

Sunday School

Each Sunday, beginning at 9:30a.m., children, teens, and adults throughout our church building meet to study God's Word and how it impacts their lives. The curriculum for each class is varied to reflect the needs of the class members. The children's and youth classes are organized by age. Each of the adult classes is unique, offering a different curriculum and approach to study. We encourage you to visit each of the classes to determine where you fit.

Babies and Toddlers

Nursery (birth to age one) meets in Room 205

Toddlers (two to three year olds) meet in Room 206

Four year olds - Kindergarten age, meet in Room 209


First and second grades meet in Room 302

Third, fourth, and fifth grades meet in Room 301


Junior High (grades 6-8) meet in Prayer Room, ground level

High School (grades 9-12) meet in Room 305, upper level

Adult Classes

Inquirer's Class - Ladies and men meet in the Fellowship Hall,

Fellowship Class - Ladies and men meet in Room 305A

Myrtle Brewer Class - Ladies meet in Room 201A

Johnson-Griffin Class - Me meet in Room 202A

Rubies - Ladies meet in Room 301A

Men of Courage - Men meet in Room 304A

Young Couples Class - Couples, married or dating, meet in Children's Chapel

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